Saturday 9 June 2012

American scientists have invented a syringe without a needle

U.S. scientists have developed a syringe, injection drug use without a needle.

The results of Professor Ian Hunter and his colleagues at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published in the Journal of Medical Engineering & Physics. effect devices based on the force with which the electromagnetic field acts on a point charged particle - the Lorentz force. Inside the syringe is a powerful magnet of small size, surrounded by a wire coil. In turn, the piston is attached to the coil, part of which is located inside the vials of medicine. Under the influence of the current coil drives the piston, "throws" of the drug vials at a rate of 314 meters per second - nearly the speed of sound. The jet of fluid from the mosquito's proboscis width "penetrates" the skin and delivers the drug into the tissue to the desired depth. In order to facilitate the adsorption of the drug, the flow velocity after penetration into the skin is reduced. Change the speed and pressure of the fluid, as well as the depth of penetration of drugs is possible by means of the current. The authors develop point out that a wide range of adjustable parameters makes it possible to inject even through the eardrum. "For the injection a child does not require the same high-pressure fluid, as an adult. When you use our device can be varied pressure, and this is its main advantage, "- quoted in the report the words of one of the sponsors of the development of Katherine Hogan. Now, scientists plan to create a new version of the syringe, with which, as injections may be injected powder preparations. researchers believe that new development will be useful not only for patients who for various reasons, are afraid of injections, but also employees of medical institutions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA, 385 000 hospital staff once a year suffer from accidental puncture needles.

Technology will make HD viewing of matches in an unforgettable sight

Do customers "Will" have a unique opportunity, not leaving the house, enjoy the broadcasts of matches of Euro 2012 in high-quality teleformate.

By the start of the European Football Championship subscribers "Will" in nine Ukrainian cities were able to watch HD-TV version of "Football", which is the official translator of the UEFA Euro 2012. This was possible in the framework of the memorandum signed between the "Media Group Ukraine" and "Will." TV "Football" has set a goal to cover the events of the championship football team using the latest technologies of television. The main benefits of HD - this is an amazing picture clarity and detail of pictures that will turn the show into an unforgettable spectacle of matches. - Run "Soccer HD» to the top of the most important sporting event of the year in Ukraine - is a strategic project for the whole country - said the CEO "Will" Eric Franke. - We are very pleased that for the start of the football championship of our subscribers in most digital cities "Will" had a unique opportunity to watch football in HD-format. Of course, one of our HD-logged city, and those which will host matches of Euro 2012. We are proud that we can provide our clients with a diverse high-quality TV product in the best quality. By the way, after the Championship in HD-quality you can watch all the major European championships, which are now broadcast on the channel "Football +".Today the company, "Will "is the sole provider of cable TV, which has carried out a full commercial launch of HDTV technologies in Ukraine. By the end of 2012 access to the HD-package "Will" will be 14 cities of Ukraine, at the same time, digital TV will be in 16 cities.

Members of the new social network to each other awake in the morning

Social network called (from the word to awaken), established Hrachik Adzhamyanom, earned already and the Ukraine.

As the founder of the social network said, in the service strangers anonymously and free of charge to help each other to wake up in the morning, calling on the phone and wanting a good day. idea of this service, which has no analogues in the world, came to mind is the millions of Russians. On June 4, 2012 service was made ​​available not only in Russia but throughout the world. Adzhamyan Rook also said that calls to the service is absolutely free, and phone numbers of complete anonymity. According to him, all Russian-speaking users can register and become a "Sonia" (one who wakes up from calls of other people) or "Budistom" (one who wakes up strangers). The project is now "Budist" began to be translated into other languages, which will wake the people in other countries."Members of social alarm draws completely anonymous and the effect of uncertainty - you never know from what city, and who you will wake up. And now - and from what country, "- says the creator of the service. Notice social network has also released an application Budist for iPhone and Android.

Cockroaches and geckos have helped scientists to create new robots

Cockroaches and geckos use their body as a pendulum for a kind of flips when jumping from one branch of the tree on its opposite side. This helps them to become "invisible" and escape from predators, according to American biologists. 

A new study by scientists dedicated to the commission of a seemingly impossible maneuvers that allow insects to escape unnoticed or reach his victim. Thus, geckos and cockroaches have the ability to quickly jump to the opposite side of the branches, boards, or any other bulky items in the event of a threat to life. behavior of cockroaches, acrobats studied a group of biologists and engineers led by Jean-Michel Mongo at the University of California at Berkeley, USA. " When viewed from the side it was quite clear what was happening, but we took this process on a high-speed camera and slowed down the video, we were struck by the fact that cockroaches use their hind legs to grab the surface and the upheaval in the opposite direction, "- said Mongo. According to researchers, cockroaches use his body as a kind of pendulum, which are the thread of an insect leg.
Mayatnikopodobnoe motion during the jump can reach the opposite side of the branch or the board, without slowing down their movement and using the momentum to somersault. In this movement the insects feel sufficiently high overload. Scientists have calculated that in the cockroach effect acceleration force 3,8 G, which can be compared with the loads experienced by astronauts during takeoff or landing shuttles. unravel the secret of the cockroaches, the researchers conducted a similar experiment with the gecko. It turned out that geckos use exactly the same mechanism for making the jump to the other side plates. To attach the end of the branches of geckos use claws and special sticky hairs on their hind legs. Engineers used the data to create a robot DASH, simulating the movement of geckos and cockroaches. As a substitute for the claws on the legs and cockroach sticky hairs on gecko feet, scientists have used Velcro fasteners, half of which they are attached to the feet of work and stuck on both sides of the plates. This design allowed the job successfully jump from one side of the board to another and keep going.Mongo and his colleagues believe that their work will help create robots that can overcome any obstacles as well as animals. "To date, some robots are good at running or climbing, but there are few machines can simultaneously do both, or to quickly switch between modes of motion. This is the main objective of the current robotics - the development of robots that can move in a geometrically complex surface and wade into dangerous areas, where the manager can not get them people "- concludes a member of the group, Robert Full.

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