Saturday 9 June 2012

Members of the new social network to each other awake in the morning

Social network called (from the word to awaken), established Hrachik Adzhamyanom, earned already and the Ukraine.

As the founder of the social network said, in the service strangers anonymously and free of charge to help each other to wake up in the morning, calling on the phone and wanting a good day. idea of this service, which has no analogues in the world, came to mind is the millions of Russians. On June 4, 2012 service was made ​​available not only in Russia but throughout the world. Adzhamyan Rook also said that calls to the service is absolutely free, and phone numbers of complete anonymity. According to him, all Russian-speaking users can register and become a "Sonia" (one who wakes up from calls of other people) or "Budistom" (one who wakes up strangers). The project is now "Budist" began to be translated into other languages, which will wake the people in other countries."Members of social alarm draws completely anonymous and the effect of uncertainty - you never know from what city, and who you will wake up. And now - and from what country, "- says the creator of the service. Notice social network has also released an application Budist for iPhone and Android.


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